20 August 2024

Jack and Jonny Run the Extra Mile

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Back in April, Jack Lindsay, Assistant Sales Manager at Land Rover Carlisle and Jonathon Close, Sales Executive at Land Rover Carlisle, completed the Manchester marathon, and they're not stopping there! They are also taking part in the Great North Run in September to raise money for incredible local charity, Eden Valley Hospice.

We caught up with them both to find out how the Manchester Marathon went, and how they plan to prepare for their upcoming half-marathon.

Jonny taking part in the Manchester Marathon earlier this year, and Jack running the Great Cumbrian Run last year.

Well done both on completing the Manchester Marathon, what a fantastic achievement. Tell us a bit about the race?

Jack -  “The last Marathon we ran was Manchester April 14th ... it was a hard course! I ran it in 3hours 3minutes. The support for Manchester is mega. They reckon there was 125,000 supporters and all the streets were lined!”

Jonny -  “It was my first ever Marathon, and it was an amazing experience. The arch of my foot collapsed at mile 17, but I dug deep to finish and the sense of achievement was amazing!”  


When did you both start running?

Jonny -  “I started running in June 2023. My wife was running the Great North Run last year so I decided to do it with her. We managed to raise £1,539 for Eden Valley Hospice and I am hoping to do the same again this year.”

Jack -  “I have ran for years, but only for general fitness. It's just shy of 2 years ago that I have really picked it up.”


What do you find the most difficult and what do you enjoy the most about long distance running?

Jack -  “There isn’t really anything I find difficult about the sport as such - the only frustration is picking up injuries as it's quite demanding on the body. Marathon / half marathon running is a massive buzz with the crowd and I enjoy the mental and physical challenge. Also, you are always chasing to better your time from the previous".

Jonny - “Training to prepare yourself for a marathon, especially through the winter months, is tough! I love to run before work and that means setting off at 4 am to get a long run in.”


How do you prepare for a marathon / half-marathon?

Jonny -  “I trained for around 16 weeks for the Manchester marathon and was out sometimes 5 times a week, and that can definitely have a toll on your body.”

Jack -  “In preparation, I will follow a training plan for 12-16 weeks beforehand, and train 5 times a week. This will also include cross-training, swimming and cycling."


What's next?

Jack - “We are both running the Great North Run together in September for Eden Valley Hospice. We ran it for them the previous year too. I am also running the Great Cumbrian Run in October and will hopefully compete in an Ironman competition before the end of the year!

Jonny - “I’m running the Helsinki marathon on the 24th of August. Then two weeks later the Great North Run. I am hoping to achieve a sub 4 hour marathon in Helsinki, and then to improve massively on my attempt at the Great North Run last year. We are both running for Eden Valley Hospice at the Great North Run and hoping to raise money for this amazing local charity.”

Eden Valley Hospice is a local Cumbrian charity that is dedicated to providing specialist care for adults in north Cumbria who have life limiting conditions. The compassionate care is delivered through an adult in-patient ward, day services, outreach programmes and through a dedicated patient and family support team. Jigsaw, Cumbria’s Children’s Hospice provides day to day care, support and activities to children and young people living with a life limiting illness.

If you would like to donate to Jack and Jonny's fundraising page, tap the button below.


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