The BMW XM. Ultimate Electric M Power.
The BMW XM is about breaking boundaries and exerting itself on the race track, as well as the road. It's time to embrace the future of M Performance. Now available from Lloyd BMW from £1,299 per month with £9,999 initial rental. PCH Offer.* Offers end 30 September 2024.
The BMW XM 50e - Lease Offer
BMW (BCH) Business Contract Hire: BMW XM 50e. |
36 monthly payments of | £699.44 |
Term of agreement | 36 months |
Payment Profile | 9 + 35 |
Annual mileage | 6,000 miles |
Initial Rental (s) | £6,294.96 |
Excess mileage charge | 31.23p per mile |
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Lloyd Motors Limited is a credit broker not a lender. You can never own the vehicle.
Offer available to business users only.
We have the following BMW Personal Contract Hire (PCH) example on offer for this new BMW XM 50e:
- £1,299 Per Month
- Initial Rental(s) £9,999.00
- Offer Ends 30 September 2024.
If you have a vehicle to part-exchange (any make and model), get in touch with us for a personalised quote on this new BMW XM Label.
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